13 Facts About CBD

It seems like CBD products are popping up everywhere we look these days. New research is being published continually, affirming the therapeutic potentials of CBD. But despite the compound’s immense popularity, many consumers are still confused about what CBD is and what it does. We’ve put together a quick guide to some important facts every consumer should know about CBD.

  • CBD is a Compound Found in Cannabis Plants.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of over 113 known compounds in cannabis and industrial hemp plants. Scientists call these plants “cannabinoids.” CBD and other cannabinoids have the ability to stimulate sites on a network of receptors that make up our endocannabinoid system (ECS). Our ECS receptors bond with compounds that have a similar structure to the cannabinoids found in cannabis plants, such as CBD. Biologists call our internal cannabinoids “endocannabinoids,” and the cannabinoids in plants are called “phytocannabinoids.”

  • CBD Will Not Make You Feel High.

Most sources claim that CBD is non-psychoactive, which is true, depending on how you look at it. Perhaps the best way to describe CBD is “non-intoxicating.” When most people think of cannabis compounds, they think of delta-9 THC. THC is the psychoactive compound in “marijuana” plants that produces the classic high feeling.


CBD, on the other hand, doesn’t bind strongly to CB-1 receptors in the endocannabinoid system like THC does. While THC may cause intoxicating effects like anxiety, paranoia, or even mild hallucination, CBD’s psychoactive effects are limited to drowsiness and calming feelings. Theoretically, CBD is mildly psychoactive in the same way coffee could be considered psychoactive. However, you won’t have to be concerned about unwanted intoxicating effects when you consume CBD.

  • Not All CBD Products Are Alike.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is yet to fully regulate CBD. The only FDA-approved CBD product is a pharmaceutical derivative named Epidiolex that doctors use to treat severe forms of epilepsy. Unfortunately, the lack of full regulation means that it’s up to the customer to choose quality CBD products, which can be challenging. Some products carrying the CBD label have such a small quantity of cannabidiol that they’re completely ineffective. Even worse, some CBD products contain harmful contaminants like pesticides, heavy metals, and residual solvents.


It’s crucial that consumers only choose CBD products that have been tested by an unbiased, third-party laboratory. Reputable CBD manufacturers usually display test results on their websites or will provide customers with current Certificates of Analysis when asked for them. Customers should avoid buying CBD products from companies that will not provide this information.

  • CBD is Legal in the United States (Kind of)

The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, commonly known as the “Farm Bill,” removed some cannabis plants from Schedule 1 of the Controlled Substances Act and classified them among other legal agricultural crops. These plants belong to the subspecies Cannabis sativa L. Most people call this subspecies “industrial hemp” because the plant was used to make rope, fabric, and food items long before the government started cannabis prohibition in the 1930s.


Industrial hemp usually contains extremely low levels of psychoactive delta-9 THC and high levels of CBD. The Farm Bill defines industrial hemp as cannabis plants that contain less than .3% THC. Industrial hemp plants and hemp-derived products are legal under U.S. federal law. But products derived from high-THC containing “marijuana” plants remain illegal federally. Consumers may unwittingly purchase a CBD product that was extracted from plants that contained more than .3% THC and find themselves in a misunderstanding with law enforcement.


Another complication is that states have passed their own laws regarding CBD, and some states have prohibited certain types of CBD products. We recommend that you check the regulations in any state you plan to visit and carry the product’s Certificate of Analysis with you when you travel. An even better approach would be to buy your CBD oils or gummies once you get to your destination and not travel with CBD products at all.


Flying can be especially risky as the TSA is obligated to report any suspected cannabis product to law enforcement. The organization issued a statement on its Instagram account, warning passengers about the risks of flying with CBD-infused products.

  • Products Made with CBD Isolates Have Less Therapeutic Benefits.

Full-spectrum CBD oils are distilled from whole hemp plants and contain other beneficial compounds, such as:


  • Flavonoids
  • Terpenes
  • B-vitamins
  • Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids
  • Other cannabinoids


All of these compounds work together to produce a beneficial synergy, called the “entourage effect.” Broad-spectrum products contain most of these compounds, except they have been stripped of any THC that may be in the plant. Consumers can still get most of the benefits of the entourage effect with broad-spectrum CBD products. CBD isolates only contain CBD, so consumers will not get the full benefits of the entourage effect.

  • CBD May Have a Number of Therapeutic Benefits.

The endocannabinoid system helps to keep several essential biological functions in balance, including our fertility, immune response, sleep cycles, and moods. CBD helps preserve our natural endocannabinoid levels and can also interact with the ECS receptors, producing beneficial effects, such as:


  • Helping us get restful sleep
  • Combating free radicals
  • Helping us cope with stress and tension
  • Enhancing the appearance of our skin

  • Hemp Oil and CBD Oil Aren’t the Same.

The difference between CBD oil and hemp oil is a source of confusion for most people who are new to CBD products. Hemp oil, while it contains a lot of nutritious compounds, doesn’t usually have any CBD in it. Manufacturers press hemp oil from the seeds of the hemp plants, which don’t contain any CBD. The female flowers of hemp and cannabis plants produce cannabinoids like CBD. Consumers should make sure the oil they buy specifically says that it contains CBD to get the benefits of the cannabinoid.

  • CBD May Show Up on A Drug Test

Although it’s not likely, CBD use may show up on a routine drug screening. Typical urine tests for cannabis look for metabolites of THC and other cannabinoids. Urine tests can detect residual cannabis compounds that were consumed up to 30 days prior, and hair and nail tests can detect compounds consumed up to three months before the screening.


You may want to choose a product with CBD isolate if you expect to be tested for cannabis products. It would also be wise to tell the authority doing the testing that you have been using CBD products.

  • Pet-Owners Can Use CBD-Products for Their Furry Friends.

The endocannabinoid system developed over 600 million years ago and is present in almost all animals. CBD may have some of the same benefits for dogs and cats as it has for humans. Although more study is needed, pet owners typically use CBD pet products to calm their dogs under stressful situations, ease aches and pains, and support the animal’s general health.

  • High-CBD Hemp Flower Can Have Different Effects.

Smoking, vaping, or eating edibles with hemp flower can be an excellent way to consume CBD. But did you know that each strain may produce different effects? In general, sativa-dominant strains have more uplifting and energetic effects. Indica-dominant hybrids, like Bubba Kush, impart more physical relaxation and may be more enjoyable in the evenings. Hemp flowers may also have different effects, flavors, and aromas depending on their CBD levels and terpene profiles.

  • Potential CBD Side Effects

You may experience uncomfortable side-effects if you consume too much CBD, such as:


  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Reduced appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Dry mouth


Most side effects go away within a few hours and can be avoided by taking a smaller dose next time.

  • CBD May Help with a Condition Known as Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency.

Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency (CECD) is a rare condition that occurs when the body is chronically low on two principal endocannabinoids, anandamide and 2-AG. CECD is associated with difficult-to-treat disorders such as fibromyalgia, migraines, and irritable bowel syndrome. CBD helps to keep our internal cannabinoid levels high by inhibiting the enzymes responsible for breaking them down. While full-blown CECD is rare, many people may be struggling with symptoms resulting from lower endocannabinoid levels.

  • The Effects of Different Types of CBD Products Take Longer to Kick In.

The quickest way to feel the effects of CBD is by smoking or vaping. Consumers can feel the effects of smoked or vaped CBD in minutes, and the effects typically last around 2 hours. CBD edibles, because they need to go through the digestive system, can take up to 2 hours to kick in. However, the effects of CBD edibles may last up to 6 hours.


If you need help picking out a CBD product, contact us at Tillman’s Tranquils. Our friendly customer support team will be happy to assist you.

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